Wairoro – Health

We have been testing our personality’s with online test and learning about each other’s personality and traits. Couple of days ago we had done a test on which side brain we are either right or left as the left brain being writing, reading, focus and the right brain controlling emotions, dreams, awareness, surrounding as I had done the test turns out I end up being left brained and A screenshot of my other test we had recently done today.

Wind Turbine Project

Our model of our wind turbine is made out of an Cardboard box a couple of chop sticks and play dough to summarise the project, Our project is a wind turbine that uses wind power. The type of energy the wind turbine uses is a Renewable Source because the wind turbine harnesses energy from the wind using mechanical power to spin the generator but not only is wind an abundant and inexhaustible resource, but it also provides electricity without burning any fuel or polluting the air.  The parts of the wind turbines like the Drive train is compromised of the rotor, main bearing,main shaft, gearbox, and generator. The Drive train converts the low speed, high-torque rotation of the rotor (blades and hub Assemble) into electricity energy.

Cutler, death, coping with loss

My culture – Pro


In health we are studying about our culture in different scenery of what each culture can cope with death, as I did pro work discussing about my culture or ethnicity Maori being as you can find my work on the link, we have been watching films about death and the movie Coco about the day of the dead anyway enjoy.

Marshmallow Cannon Animation

We are learning about different energy’s in science and made a science project called a marshmallow cannon consist of two types of energy’s like kinetic and elastic potential energy, kinetic energy is a moving type of energy that is forced or pulled. Now Elastic energy is a type of energy that breaks or snaps being more of an forceful energy.

Classifying Life

a)Bacteria and Protists are similar in that they?

The Difference lies in bewtween the types of cells they have

Bacteria are placed in the Kingdom Monera and have a prokaryotic cell.  Protist Single – celled organisms with a nucleus

b) however, they are different as they –  Plants are producers, using energy of the sun to make seeds,cones, and spores to reproduce, while Fungi are decomposers that break down the decaying matter. 

Fungi and plants are similar in that they – The cell walls of the plants are made of cellulose and they can reproduce through seeds and spores. Also Plants and fungi are very similar in that they are both eukaryotic organisms.    


c) However, they are different as they – Plants reflect on light and the heat of the sun to make seeds, cones and spores. As they both are similar animals are more alive and don’t relay on the sun to give them energy and to reproduce as they have organs Stating the fact that animals are different compared to Plants  

Plants and animals are similar in that they – Feed,respire,excrete,grow,move reproduce and are both sensitive to their environment. 


however, they are different as they – 


Cooking/Term 1 2024

Health & Safety

Hello everybody I am going to be talking to you about what I did in cooking Term 1, 2024

First We did a slideshow presentation about health “n” safety  about washing our hands and how long we should leave food out. Making sure chemicals and contamination are not finding a way in our Food. We check every vital thing for loose hair and proper clothing.

This year we baked:, scones, pizza swirls, Anzac biscuits, Ginger gens, Banana Muffins, Cup cakes

Cupcakes –  We Baked and designs muffins and created icing, and Etc. We used fondants to cover the Cupcakes and using shapes with the fondants making Cookie monsters and Other Fun designs.

Team Work: We used Teamwork To do all the cooking activities getting the ingredients for the cupcakes, Pizza swirls we Communicated and we assisted each other for each baking Experiment




The first Olympic historical event was held in the Athens, Showing proof of what the Aceint Greek history landmark claiming they held events like the original ones they host in the world Olympics like the 100 meter sprint Shot put and discus.


To date (2024) the games of Olympiad have been hosted in 23 cities and 20 different countries and the Olympic winter games 21 cities and 13 countries. But the country(suburb) that have been hosted for the past years to reach gold, bronze, and silver are hosted in France,Paris.”



*Shot – put

*15,00, 5,00, 10,00 meters




An New Zealander athlete, Valarie Adams is an Olympian from New Zealand, She has won the world Athletics Female Athlete  Of the year 2024 Much a like her brother Steven Adams with astonishing strength Dominating the NBA. She has won 17 titles in shot put and was the halburg winner



My Events Chart


Event Time/ distances 
Sprints 15 seconds 
Discuss  13.6
High jump 1.2 meters
Beep test 9.1


In PE we have been studying a range of athletic events in preparation for the school Athletics Day. We have learned about how to correctly perform some new events. We have learned about… Discuss, High jump (choose two new events)


I have chosen to focus on … (Sprints)


Interesting pieces of information about Discus are: You are supposed to have a specific form to throw the discus in order to gain more and more meters like these famous discus throwers …

The world record for the furthest throwing discus is 78.04 meters that is nearly quarter of an entire        rugby field!!! leaving 22 meters away from the try line….






There were a number of ways that I demonstrated respect towards other students during this unit. I did this by… Cheering other students on, Checking up on them and always maintaining a positive attitude towards other students as well as teachers.


It is important that I develop resilience when we experience success or failure because… always maintaining a good attitude and willing to give it another shot even after failure is still key to being an athlete.


I can build my resilience when I experience success or failure by…Having a great attitude and always being humble even when you fail or succeed in sports or in other relatable events

My Hauora Learning

This term we have been learning about mental health and hauora, what is means to me is relaxation, clear thoughts, and a fresh start, My favourite activity so far would either be this tasks or learning about or Family Roots. I understand Taha Tinana and about my physical education but on the other hand I don’t because of being mentally strong. I need to learn about more of the physical and about what I put through my body and my daily stretching Thank you For reading my Blog!!!